We understand that sex addiction is not just a mans problem.
We get many calls from women wanting to know if there is any hope getting free from the grip of sexual addiction. The answer is a resounding Yes! There is freedom and healing for women bound by sexual sin. Create in Me a Pure Heart is a 20 week intensive Discipleship program specifically designed for the needs of women facing all forms of sexual addiction. Are you struggling with pornographic narratives or images, adult chat rooms, fantasy and masturbation, same sex attraction, lesbianism or high risk sexual behavior, then Create in Me a Pure Heart is the program for you. This at home program will equip you with the tools and one on one support you need to overcome these challenging issues.
Online courses cost less, but lack the intensive personal mentorship that Free Indeed provides. Our highly trained coaches are standing by to help you get the freedom you long for.
Recovery Groups are very popular today and have their benefits, but they also fall short of the Biblical pattern of restoration which is found in personal intensive discipleship. This is what we excel in here at Free Indeed and hundreds of men and women have found freedom here.
Free Indeed also excels in aftercare.
When you finish your course with Free Indeed, we offer a follow on program for those who need extended support. We also offer easy access for those who stumble into old behaviors and want to return for more help. The follow on program is offered for a very minimal fee. We are essentially offering a lifetime commitment to your personal freedom from unwanted sexual compulsions. You become part of the Free Indeed family.
All of these unique benefits can be taken advantage of from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Our at home programs make it possible for anyone in the world with a phone to participate in our highly effective discipleship series.
If you are tired of the misery, the guilt, the shame and want that close walk with God back that you once had, please click on the link below to fill out a confidential application. You will be contacted via email or phone (your choice) by our program director to discuss how Free Indeed can partner with you on your pathway to a new life.
Please fill out an online application so we can get started in helping you Click Here
For more information or questions:
Telephone 207-945-3424